Wednesday 23 December 2015


Start Event:
- Start Event is a starting node which indicates the starting point of an instance of a process.
- It is permissible for a process to have no Start Events but instead it must have one or more Start Message Events.  These allow the process to be started from an external event such as a UCA.

End Event:
- End Event is used to model the end of a process. There can be multiple End Event nodes in a diagram.
- The process instance will come to an end only when all the concurrently executing branches reach their End Events.

Message Start Event:
- Message Start Event can be used to initiate an instance of a process due to the arrival of an event.
- An instance of the process can be started based on this element when an external event occurs.

Message Intermediate Event:
- Message Intermediate Event is an Event listener that is used to listen for incoming events within a process instance that is already running.

Message End Event:
- Message End Event ends the current path of the process and fires an event.

Timer Event:
- Timer Event can be added as an attribute on an existing task or can be an element in its own right.

Tracking Intermediate Event:
- Tracking Intermediate Event is used to generate a data point used in performance reporting on process instances.

Ad-hoc Start Event:
- Ad-hoc Start Event is a mechanism that allows us to start a chain of activities in an already existing process instance.

Terminate Event:
- Terminate Event will cause the immediate termination of a process instance.

Error Intermediate Event:
- Control is passed to this event handler when an exception is caught within the implementation of that activity.

Error Event:
- Error Event, if a process detects that an error condition has occurred, it can terminate the remaining and current steps of the process and throw an Exception.


  1. can you elaborate tracking intermediate event??

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for commenting, here is the description for your question

      Tracking Groups are to define a set of values that are stored in Performance Data Warehouse tables.
      Tracking Groups are used when explicit control over tracked data and tracking points for advanced custom reports is desired. Here we can group the variables we want to track.
      To achieve this Tracking Intermediate Event is used. In the implementation tab of Intermediate Tracking events, we need to implement the tracking groups.

      To track specific business data automatically at entry and exit points of each item in the BPD, such as activities, services
      and gateways, use "auto tracking".
      To emit specific data at chosen points in the process for monitoring, use the Intermediate Tracking events in the BPD.
