Wednesday 10 February 2016


Services exist as a part of process application, each services has a name and associated coding. The service is associated with a BPD activity in a BPD process diagram. The new service can be created from the BPD activity or can link the existing service to that activity. 

Human Services
The Human Service is the most important service type in IBPM.  It creates a task for a human being to work upon.  The BPD process is suspended until the conclusion of that task.  The Human Service type provides the inclusion of coach components which are the descriptions of screen data to be presented to users and data to be retrieved from users.

Ajax Services
An Ajax service is used in conjunction with Human Services and coaches.  It provides the ability to source data dynamically for the coach. While creating the Ajax service we need to add the input variable named inputVar of type String and output variable any name of type List of a complex type.

Integration Services
The integration service allows a process to invoke an external entity such as a Web Service or a piece of Java Code.  

Advanced Integration Services
The Advanced Integration Service gives us the ability to define a service that is implemented by an IBM BPM.

General System Services
A general system service is used when the BPD needs to work with the data in the process but does not need to invoke either a Web Service or Java Code.  The General System Service is the simplest of the service implementation environment.